There is no evidence that the government tried to abuse the bank guarantee. 尚无迹象显示爱尔兰政府试图滥用银行担保。
We require that at the signature of the technology transfer agreement, you will provide us with the bank guarantee for the transfer of all payments. 我方要求在签署技术转让协议时,贵方要向我方提供支付所有技术转让费用的银行担保。
Most wealth management products are sold with some form of bank guarantee, leading many investors to believe that the products are in effect risk-free, despite the often high promised yield. 多数理财产品在销售时都有某种形式的银行担保,导致许多投资者以为这些产品实际上是无风险的,尽管其承诺的收益率往往较高。
The Bank Guarantee should be valid until the agreed dates of delivery, or as may be extended through agreement by both parties. 银行保函的有效期应以规定的交货期或双方同意的延长期为止。
This means that the bank would guarantee payment even if your company is unable to pay. 我们要求您们开一张不可撤销的信用状。这样即使贵公司没法付款,银行也会付款。
Our sellers are expected to raise an MT760 bank guarantee in respect of the value of our transaction because of the volume of purchase we normally make and the amount involved in payment. 我们的销售商,预期预计筹集MT760银行担保方面的价值,我们的交易,因为购买量和我们通常所涉及的款额付款。
It discussed with the bank whether a central bank guarantee could be used to underpin the debt issued, or whether the real estate investment trust market could be used by banks to offload their loans. 它与英国央行探讨了以下问题:是否能够利用央行担保为已发行的债券提供支持,或银行是否可以将这些贷款卸载给房地产投资信托市场。
Personal finance guarantee business because of personal needs, from security company to provide credit guarantees to obtain loans from the bank's guarantee business. 个人融资担保业务是因个人需求,由担保公司为其提供信用担保,从银行获得贷款支持的担保业务。
Proportionate reductions of the Bank Guarantee will be made on delivery of each DHCS. 每交付一艘深舱货轮,银行保函金额应按比例减少。
All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or bank guarantee of two per cent of total bid price. 所有投标文件必须连同占投标部份2%的投标保证金或银行保函一起提交。
Issuance of covered bonds debt secured against pools of loans that carries an additional bank guarantee has also fallen and the total raised via asset-backed securities continues to be a fraction of pre-subprime crisis levels. 担保债券(以贷款池为抵押、得到银行额外担保的债务)的发行规模也出现下滑,而通过资产支持证券筹集的资金规模仍只是次贷危机前水平的一个零头。
The fund can be constituted either by depositing the sum or by producing a bank guarantee or other guarantee, acceptable under the legislation of the contracting state where the fund is constituted, and considered to be adequate by the court or another competent authority. 建立该项基金可采取提交保证金存入银行的方法或是采取按设立基金的缔约国法律可以接受的、经法院或其他主管机关认可的银行担保或其他担保的方法。
But the ECB could create what Morgan Stanley calls a temporary bank liquidity guarantee programme, a promise to make up for any private sector funding shortfall. 但是,欧洲央行可以建立摩根士丹利所说的临时银行流动性担保计划,承诺假如私人部门不能为银行提供足够的资金,它将出面填补由此产生的资金缺口。
Bondholders get securities backed by loans that stay on banks 'books and carry a bank guarantee, and they are protected even in bankruptcy. 债券持有者获得由贷款担保的证券,这些贷款躺在银行的帐簿上,并得到银行的担保,这些债券甚至在破产时也会得到保护。
There are three methods of construction guarantee: guarantee, hypothecate, earnest money, the bank guarantee will become the leading mode. 我国投标担保包括保证、质押和保证金三种模式,其中,保证担保应该是我国工程担保的主导模式。
It then discusses the independent principle of independent bank guarantee as well as its fraud exception in the third and fourth parts. 第三、四部分通过对独立性银行保函的独立性原则含义的分析,探讨了其欺诈例外和法律适用问题。
It makes a classification of the various independent bank guarantee in business practice and analyzes its functions in international business. 接着对实践中的独立性银行保函进行了分类,并分析了其在国际贸易中的作用。
Standby letter of credit origins in America for reason of circumventing the law, which prohibits bank issuing guarantees. At the beginning, standby letter of credit was mainly used in America and independent bank guarantee in Europe. 由于规避美国法律禁止开立银行担保的规定,备用信用证起源于美国,并且起初主要应用于美国,而欧洲基本上使用银行独立担保。
The standby letter of credit is quite different from bank guarantee and commercial documentary letter of credit in many aspects. 备用信用证与银行独立保证和跟单商业信用证在许多方面都有不同。
In such circumstance, especially in oil or container transportation, the carrier may have to deliver the cargo against a letter of indemnity or bank guarantee for many reasons. 存此种情况下,由于种种原因,在目的港不凭正本提单放货的现象屡见不鲜,尤其在油船运输和集装箱运输的情况下,承运人常常会凭提单副本和保函放货。
Chapter Two: The Risks Confronted by Both Parties Involved in Bank Guarantee. 第一章为银行保函项卜各当事人面临的风险。
Bank Guarantee presented itself to meet the demand of the development of modern economic trade. 银行保函的出现,从客观上讲,是现代经济贸易发展的需要。
The establishment and effective operation of enterprise credit guarantee system depend on the positive cooperation between commercial bank and guarantee institution. 企业信用担保体系的建立和有效运转有赖于商业银行与担保机构的积极配合。
The bank guarantee transaction mainly involves the Principal, the Guarantor and the Beneficiary, forming three independent legal relations. 银行保函主要涉及申请人、保证人、受益人三方,三者之间形成三种不同法律关系。
Banks widely use bank guarantee in practice in China, while there are no laws and regulations about bank guarantee and there is no in-depth research on fraud in China. 我国现实中广泛使用银行保函,但没有对银行保函进行规制,对于银行保函欺诈问题也没有深入研究。
Independent Guaranty which is called in legal circles is likely called Independent Guarantee, namely Demand Guarantee in business world. Because in most cases, this kind of guarantee is issued by bank, so we call it Demand Bank Guarantee as well. 法律上所称之独立担保,在商业实践中惯常称之为独立保函,也即见索即付保函,因该类保函通常由银行开立,故又称之为见索即付银行保函。
In order to control international trade risk effectively, a new form of bank guarantee which is independent of underlying transactions has come into being. 为了有效地控制国际贸易的交易风险,一种新型的独立于基础交易的担保方式&银行独立担保出现了。
The independent bank guarantee fraud occurs in the practice frequently, and there is no unified international relief measure, from the judicial practice to analyze the commonly used relief means, such as a court injunction, preservation measures command and Mareva ban. 在实践中银行独立保函欺诈情况时常出现,国际上对此没有统一的救济措施,从各国的司法实践来分析,存在常用救济手段,如法院禁令、保全措施命令以及Mareva禁令。
With the patent rights for impawn mark, obtaining financing for alleviating the fund pressure of the small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs) in developing, optimizing the bank guarantee structure has the important significance. 以专利权为质押标的获得融资,对于缓解中小企业发展的资金压力,优化银行担保结构具有重要意义。
So far western countries have accumulated a large amount of fraudulent cases of bank guarantee; fraud has become an important field of study on bank guarantee. 至今西方各国已经积累了大量的有关银行保函欺诈的案例,欺诈问题已成为银行保函领域中一个重要的研究课题。